Wandering the wine shops as a representative of an Israeli winery, I heard the grievance hundreds of times: “Why are Israeli wines so expensive?”
Or: “In Europe for 5 euros I can buy good wine and in Israel you can buy imported wines, 2 in the century and enjoy good quality wines. Good Israeli wines at 50 shekels are hard to impossible to find” so and so we complaine

But the address to the letter of complaint is not the wineries.
As part of the ‘Brother Wineries’ project, the owner of a French winery (one of those who buys his wines in the 2nd century) came to visit his Israeli brother winery. I happened to be a fly on the wall in a conversation that took place, and being a language-speaking fly I was able to understand what was being said and translate for you. [Instructions: Read the guest text from France in a heavy French accent]French: Your place is Terra Julie! How many generations has your family owned it? Did you get that from your great-grandfather?
The Israeli winemaker: No, the place is not mine, I rent it. A young country, my great-grandfather still lives in the Atlas Mountains and raised goats …
So the place costs you money?
Yes, €€€! Euro per month.
Mard! It’s a bombastic lot of money!
And vineyards? Did not inherit from a family?
No, I pay the rent €€€! euro.
Or la la! It is much!
Comfrey, but at least there is an agricultural subsidy from the state, it is as clear as here in France.
No no there is no subsidy just taxes.
Total passivity!
I see you are using French barrels, it should be brought from my country.
Truth. It costs me €€€! Euros, do not forget that I have to buy them from an Israeli importer and pay for brokerage.
Compri, I buy from the manufacturer and it is within 3 hours transport distance, pays half of you … Depisil Depisil in Israel !!
State-sponsored irrigation water?
very expensive! Fuel and electricity, a hot country needs to cool almost all year …
Expensive car, expensive tractor, kosher, expensive expensive wages
Art Art Se Tribala !!! Everything’s Grand Money
So how do you make money?
Rolling …
So why make a winery?
“I like this. That’s my passion. “
I hummed demonstratively and flew away.
You got the idea. It is expensive here for Allah to make wine, just as it is expensive here to make good food, just as fuel is terribly expensive, just as electricity is expensive here, just as shopping in the supermarket is 2-3 times more expensive than in Europe. Expensive!
So how the hell do you want Israeli wines to compete price-wise on imports? how?? The wineries are not dangerous, they operate out of a conscious right to choose. They enjoy in front of a business with sex appeal and creative joy. But what to do, in order to continue living as a business the price of wines must be high and we pay. So if you enjoy Israeli wines, enjoy visiting Israeli wineries, enjoy the fact that there is a dynamic industry and high-level culinary industry that is constantly evolving, you will continue to drink wine and buy Israeli wine as well.